Achieve Higher Quality AI and Clean Data with Personal AI’s New Document Editing Tools

June 10, 2024

Unleash the Power of Automated Training Tools with Personal AI

When it comes to maximizing your productivity and efficiency, having access to powerful training tools within the document editor is essential. Say goodbye to separate data cleaning processes with Claude 3, as now you can seamlessly utilize these powerful training tools within your document editing workflow. For this week’s edition of the newsletter, let’s dive into the top training features that can help you streamline your workflow, enhance accuracy, and unlock new possibilities. From generating Questions and Answers to generating keywords and cleaning up unwanted characters, these tools are designed to enhance your AI training experience. Empower yourself with efficient data processing and language refinement right from your document editor. Lets take your skills to the next level!

Accessing the Training Tools

To view our training tools, navigate to our Documents page located directly underneath the memory stack, then click on a document you want to clean or make edits to. Once you’re inside the document editor, you will see the purple commands at the top of the document screen. Highlight any section of text within the editor and you should see the training tools highlighted at the top of the document editor. Let’s see what kinds of use cases we can tackle!

Generate QnA

What’s this tool used for? QnA (Question and Answer) pairs are effective pieces of data for AI systems, particularly in the context of training small language models because they mimic the natural flow of human conversation. This format allows AI models to learn how to engage in human-like dialogue effectively, providing targeted information on specific topics.

Why should I use this?

  1. Customer support and informative recall for e-commerce, healthcare, and education.
  2. Social Media influencers and brands looking to communicate with their customers via their AI quickly and efficiently.
  3. Generating content for articles, product descriptions, and FAQs. By learning from existing QnA pairs, these models can create new, relevant content based on user input or predefined topics.
  4. Personalizing recommendations for the subject matter expert.

How Do I Use It? When selecting the Generate QnA button, you will see a preview window appear beneath the button containing a set of QnA’s based on the text you highlighted. Click the “Insert Text Button” to add the QnA pairs to the top of the document.

Rephrase First Person

What’s this tool used for? Simulating real-world conversations and providing additional context for understanding the intent behind the text. This approach encourages the AI to engage in more natural, human-like dialogue and respond in a more empathetic and personalized manner. By training on first-person rephrased text from various perspectives, the AI learns to adapt to different user personas and communication styles, improving its ability to maintain coherence and generate engaging, context-aware responses.

Why Should I use this?

1. Externally facing AI’s that improve user experience and make the interactions feel more personalized and empathetic.

2. For businesses or individuals in e-commerce, content streaming, and travel better understand user preferences and provide more accurate, personalized recommendations

3. Mental health and wellness applications to simulate empathetic conversations and provide personalized support.

4. Generating personalized content for drafting emails, creating social media content, drafting speeches or writing pieces.

How Do I Use It? When selecting the Rephrase First Person button, you will see a preview window appear beneath the button with your highlighted text in first person format. Click the “Insert Text” button to replace the highlighted text with the text in first person format.

Clean Text

What is this tool used for? Cleaning text is a critical preprocessing step in AI development that helps improve the quality and accuracy of the training data, leading to more efficient and effective AI models.

Why Should I Use This? All compatible uploaded files inside the document editor are run through a text reader by character, word, and line. Files with unpredictable formatting such as pdf’s, audio files, URL’s, and mp4’s can be sent to the text reader uncleaned. This applies to all Personal AI use cases to eliminate unwanted characters, URLs, HTML tags, and irrelevant words/information within the text, to fix grammar, and to re-align speaker’s names with their intended dialogue.

How Do I Use This? When selecting the Clean Text button, you will see a preview window appear beneath the button with your highlighted text after it has been cleaned. Click the “Replace Text” button to replace the highlighted text with the cleaned text.

Generate Hashtags

What is this tool used for? This feature is useful to add tags to your document which will greatly increase recall accuracy of the AI. You can also use tags as a way to group your data together by subject, date, business or client name, or any identifier of your choice.

Why Should I Use This? Tags are used by the AI to categorize memory within the document. When a keyword is used in a prompt that matches a tag in a set of documents, the AI will focus on these documents to generate an answer which is how the accuracy is improved.

How Do I Use This? When selecting the Generate Hashtag button after highlighting a set of text, you will see a preview window appear beneath the button with corresponding tags. Click the “Insert Tags” button to add tags to the hashtag window above the document.

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