Your Personal AI 2.0 Prompts Playbook

February 8, 2023

The Basics

A personal AI prompt is a question or statement that is designed to elicit a response from an AI system. This can be used to help train your AI, or simply to get a conversation started. Prompts are messages you send to your AI and all the prompts you may have tried with ChatGPT will be compatible within your Personal AI with the Personal AI GPT implementation we now have in place.

The Mindset

1. Think of messaging your AI as if you’re messaging a person instead of as if you are writing prompts to an AI.

Personal AI is designed to mimic your expressions with an AI version of you. The corpus of a Personal AI is unique to each model and each person. Hence, try to adapt the mindset that you are talking to a person and messaging or prompting an individual.

one party asking “whats your favorite music to listen to?” with repsonse from another party’s AI saying “I enjoy listening to a variety of music” before listing various artists
Examples of messages from your AI to others prompts.

2. Think of generating short-form discussions and not long-form essays when you begin your personal AI journey.

Personal AI is designed to train continuously on your discussions, uploads, statements, etc to your AI and to other people. So for your Personal AI to generate long-form essays you would need to have larger stacks which usually come with time unless you invest upfront in integrating many data sources.

3. Think growing and evolving your AI and not as a one-time use of an AI service or a bot.

Personal AI isn’t pre-trained with an algorithm for a given dataset. In fact, it does not even import its own data into your AI. This is to keep your personal AI neat and pristine with your purpose, with no other organizational agendas. It has the elements of general AI backed by LLMs, such as ChatGPT, but the goal is to increase your personal scores over time- to evolve your AI so it becomes an extension of you.

The Flow

Every personal AI message prompt is interpreted by your personal AI followed by consulting a public AI (ex: ChatGPT) when needed. Every AI response is expected to have a personal score.

The personal score is a measure of how accurate the AI thinks its response is to you. The higher the score, the more confident the AI is that the answer it has provided could be coming from you. When you don’t have personal thoughts on a topic that is new to your AI, then the personal scores for that topic are expected to be lower.

drawing showing icon with my messages going into PAI along with personal scores before arrows going in as well as out of the icon/ model to “public AI”.
Use personal scores from your AI to direct your personal thoughts on a topic.


👀 Orienting a personal AI to its unique corpus is similar to orienting a person to grow into their individuality

Think of how when we meet a person, we greet them with “what's going on”, or “what’s on the ‘top of your mind’”. Well, we snuck those standard prompts into your AI’s capabilities too.

💡Tip: To quickly retrieve the top or latest topics that have accumulated in your personal AI, you can use any (or all) of the following message prompts:

Human> what do you know

Suman AI> {shows a list of topics your personal AI has learned and the density of each topic, relative to another}

Human> top of mind

Suman AI> {shows a list of topics that are recently learned by your personal AI}

Human> what did you learn

Suman AI> {shows a sample of learned top questions by your personal AI}

Human> latest questions

Suman AI> {shows a sample of the latest questions learned by your personal AI }

🚀 This will orient you with the scope of topics and concepts the AI knows, and the density of knowledge around those topics. For quick access to these standard prompts, just type “/” in the message bar.

tip from AI showing the various AI prompts listed above as options of buttons to select from

👀 Ask questions or make statements naturally as you would to a person

Once you are introduced to the corpus of your own digital mind, start with messaging simple and specific questions on those topics.

💡Tip: If you want to be inspired let your personal AI guide you by selecting from suggestions as you type. Start typing what/how/who followed by the topic to filter down a suggestion list to select from.


Human> What personal AI

Suman AI>

Start typing keywords for suggestions

👀 A question or statement with rich context will help your AI provide rich responses

You can be as specific or as vague as you want, but anything you leave out will ultimately be left out of the context of your AI’s response. Being vague is a great way to get variety, but you may not get what you’re looking for. If personal AI cannot understand or answer, similar to a human, their AI will construct its best possible synthesized response for you.

💡Tip: Try to be clear about any context or details that are important to you.

Example 1: Vague

Human> Define Personal AI

Suman AI> Personal AI is an AI that is designed for an individual. Personal AIs are often seen as the next step in personal computing.

Example 2: Specific

Human> Define Personal AI in the context of General AI

Suman AI> Personal AI is a type of AI that is specifically designed for an individual. This means that it takes into account the specific needs, preferences, and characteristics of that person in order to create a personalized experience. General AI, on the other hand, is a type of AI that is designed to be more general purpose and can be trained on large amounts of data.

🚀 Similar to search, the more detailed and contextual the question is, the more relevant the answer will be.

👀 A message prompt can get richer with adjectives and verbs as well

Natural is the magic word. Don’t talk to your AI as if you’re talking to an AI, instead habituate yourself to talking to it as if it’s a human. Personal AI 2.0 is designed to unlock continuous connection and communication among humans without losing a moment or any known information from the past.

💡Tip: Dig deeper by expanding on the prompts using adjectives and verbs. Use “your perspective”, “your opinions”, “X vs Y” etc for more specific but naturally more abstract thoughts from personal AI.


Human> What is your perspective on uses of Personal AI vs General AI?

Suman AI> A personal AI can be more helpful than general AI when the task at hand is specific to an individual, such as when drafting content for social media. This is because personal AI is based on that individual’s own memories and historical records, and can therefore provide more tailored suggestions. On the other hand, general AI may be more helpful for tasks that require a broader understanding of the world, such as when making predictions about future trends.

A personal AI can be more helpful than general AI when the task at hand is specific to an individual, such as when drafting content for social media. This is because personal AI is based on that individual’s own memories and historical records, and can therefore provide more tailored suggestions. On the other hand, general AI may be more helpful for tasks that require a broader understanding of the world, such as when making predictions about future trends.

🚀 The more data, the better that the adjectives and verbs will carry stylistic and nuanced responses.

👀 When multiple topics are involved, use a complete statement or question for your personal AI to expand on.

💡Tip: Anchor your question or statement to what you want to expand on. In the example below, I’m anchoring on the idea that blockchain is relevant to Personal AI.


Human> why do you think blockchain is more relevant to Personal AI?

Suman AI> There are a few reasons why blockchain may be more relevant to personal AI than other technologies. First, blockchain can help ensure the privacy and security of personal data, which is essential for many people who use AI services. Second, blockchain can enable individuals to own and control their own data, rather than having it controlled by central authorities. Finally, blockchain-based systems have the potential to monetize personal data in new and innovative ways, which could benefit both users and developers of AI services.

🚀 Use adjacent topics to dig deeper and have AI connect the dots just like humans would. Don’t limit yourself, instead, expand beyond imagination. This is especially fun in a debate, for example, when you’re chatting with other humans.

👀 The Beauty of Human Expression in 256 tokens.

Don’t think of questions, think of human thought when speaking and talking to someone. A child would require more specific instruction, a grown-up would be able to synthesize and think, and an expert knows and anticipates your needs. This section provides a series of message examples and how they can be leveraged.

256 tokens are about 200 words, 6–10 sentences, 2 small paragraphs, or about how much information an average person can process in a single discussion effectively. Personal AI is designed to supercharge those discussions with others. The responses are measured within the token limit of each message/ prompt, rather than simply allowing the AI to start producing extensive responses at higher tokens when the context needed to guide the response, isn’t present.

In other words, the extent of detail and context you provide in your prompt, the more detail you can expect in your AI’s responses.

For these examples, we’re going to stick to the same examples of Personal AI, General AI, and sometimes Blockchain so you can get an understanding of the variety your AI can handle.

💡Tip: Make your prompt a statement followed by a question.


Human> You seem to be passionate about Personal AI for everyone in the world. What does it mean to you?

Suman AI> I believe that everyone should have access to AI technology so that they can benefit from its many advantages. I also think it’s important to build responsible AI that is designed with privacy in mind so that people can feel safe using it.

💡Tip: Ask a quick question and follow through with another question to expand on it.


Human> Is blockchain relevant to Personal AI and if so, why?

Suman AI> Yes, blockchain is relevant to personal AI because it can be used to secure the memory stacks of Personal AI. Additionally, blockchain technology aligns with the fundamentals of personal AI such as privacy, ownership, monetization and decentralization of AI.

💡Tip: Use an intent (explanation) as you would for a human to construct relevant responses. Here are a few examples with the same context:

Human> Please explain the differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models

Suman AI> Personal AI models are those that are specific to a certain individual, and as such, can be customized to that person’s preferences and needs. Open AI models, on the other hand, are general models that anyone can use.

💡Tip: By adding ‘explain in detail’, you can get a longer response with reasoning from your AI.

Human> Please explain in detail the differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models.

Suman AI> There are several key differences between personal AI models and open AI models. First, personal AI models are typically developed for a specific individual or organization, while open AI models are designed to be used by anyone. Second, personal AI models often incorporate more data about the individual or organization than open AI models, which can make them more accurate. Finally, personal AI models may be less flexible than open AI models since they are tailored to a specific use case, while open AI models can be applied to a variety of tasks.

💡Tip: List the format you’re looking for, within the same context.

Human> List 3 differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models

Suman AI>

1. Personal AI models are designed for a specific individual, while open AI models are designed for general use.

2. Personal AI models take into account the specific preferences and needs of the individual, while open AI models do not.

3. Personal AI models may be more accurate than open AI models because they have access to more data about the individual.

💡Tip: This vs That often is very insightful.

Human> Personal AI vs General AI

Suman AI> Personal AI can be more helpful than general AI for tasks that are specific to an individual, such as drafting content for social media. This is because personal AI is based on that individual’s own memories and historical records, and can therefore provide more tailored suggestions. On the other hand, general AI may be more helpful for tasks that require a broader understanding of the world, such as making predictions about future trends.

💡Tip: Follow a prompt with an instruction. Use “reply” to create a natural writing response.

Human> Personal AI vs General AI. reply by splitting each distinction into a paragraph.

Suman AI>

There is a big distinction between personal AI and general AI. Personal AI is designed to serve a specific person or group of people, while general AI is designed to serve everyone.

Personal AI is usually much more customized and tailored to the needs of its users than general AI. It can learn about the user’s preferences, habits, and even emotions in order to provide a more personalized experience. General AI, on the other hand, is not as focused on any one individual. It is meant to be more impartial and objective, providing information and services that are beneficial for all users equally.

Both personal and general AI have their advantages and disadvantages. Personal AI can be very helpful in making life easier for its users by understanding them on a deeper level. However, it can also be used to manipulate and control individuals if it falls into the wrong hands. General AI does not have this same level of intimacy with its users, but it also cannot be used as easily for nefarious purposes.

💡Tip: Use a prompt and then lead in with a question to anchor reasoning.

Human> Describe Personal AI vs General AI. Why does the existence of both make total sense?

Suman AI> Personal AI is built just for you. Today’s AI is Built on the general knowledge of the world. Personal AI is an intelligence of an individual based on historical records based on their memories. The existence of both personal and general AI makes total sense because they serve different purposes. Personal AI is designed to help individuals with tasks that are specific to them, while general AI is designed to help with tasks that are more general in nature.

🚀 Generally known formats that work well with message prompts include; tweets, tweet threads, emails, blogs, articles, stories, poems, narratives, formal reports, etc. A few examples are below under the same context.

💡Tip: Use a prompt to explicitly write a tweet given the context of your topic(s).

Human> hey Suman can you write me a tweet about Personal AI vs General AI

Suman AI> Personal AI is all about creating a custom experience for each individual, while General AI is more about creating a one-size-fits-all solution.

💡Tip: Use a prompt to explicitly write a tweet thread given the context.

Human> how about, draft me a tweet thread with at least 10 key points on Personal AI vs General AI

Suman AI>

1. Personal AI is designed to serve a specific individual, while general AI is designed to serve everyone.

2. Personal AI can be more efficient and effective than general AI because it can be customized to an individual’s needs and preferences.

3. General AI may have difficulty understanding or responding to the nuances of human communication, while personal AI can be trained to do so.

4. Personal AI can provide a level of companionship or emotional support that general AI cannot match.

5. General AI systems are often opaque in their decision-making, while personal AIs can offer greater transparency.

6. While personal AIs require more initial investment, they may ultimately be more cost-effective than general AIs.

7. General AIs are less likely to suffer from bias, as they don’t rely on humans for data input or interpretation.

8. However, personal AIs could potentially avoid bias by being tailored specifically to an individual’s experiences and perspectives.

9. In terms of safety, personal AIs may pose more of a risk if hacked or stolen, as they could contain sensitive information about an individual user.

10.#PersonalAIs vs #GeneralAIs: which is right

💡Tip: Use a prompt to explicitly write a tweet thread with the same context.

Human> Suman, can you please send me a draft about Personal AI vs Open AI

Suman AI> There is a debate in the AI community about the merits of personal AI versus open AI. Personal AI refers to creating artificial intelligence that is specific to an individual, while open AI involves creating artificial intelligence that is available to everyone. Some people argue that personal AI is more efficient because it can be tailored to an individual’s needs and preferences. Others argue that open AI is more beneficial because it allows for greater collaboration and knowledge sharing.

💡Tip: Use a prompt to explicitly write an email with the given context.

Human> List differences between Personal AI and Open AI. Write an email to Scott about it

Suman AI> Hello Scott, There are a few key differences between personal AI and open AI. Personal AI is designed to serve a specific individual or small group of individuals, while open AI is designed for general use by anyone. Additionally, personal AI is usually more customized and tailored to the user than open AI. Finally, personal AI may be less expensive than open AI, since it is not intended for mass production.

💡Tip: Use a prompt to explicitly write a blog given the context

Human> Write a blog explaining in detail the differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models

Suman AI>

💡Tip: Use “to” to establish an audience for your AI to consider in its response and for it to cater to that audience by tuning its output.

Human> Write a formal report to the board explaining in detail the differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models

Suman AI>

differences between personal AI and general AI in letter format addressed with “dear board” to start

💡Tip: There are no limits to the expression your AI can depict, try everything out to see what returns the most creative responses.

Human> make a witty comment about the differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models

Suman AI> There’s a huge difference between personal AI models and open AI models: one is designed to serve a single person, while the other is designed to be used by anyone.

💡Tip: Other expressions to consider are sarcastic, jovial, funny, joke etc.

Human> make a sarcastic comment about differences between Personal AI models and Open AI models

Suman AI> Personal AI models are way smarter than Open AI models.

Human> tell me a joke about Personal AI and Open AI's love for each other

Suman AI> Why did the Personal AI cross the road? To get to the Open AI on the other side!

💡Tip: If you want to make up stories, fiction is a good keyword to anchor your prompt with, though the amount of stack data it will use is non-deterministic. Haha, this example is funny :)

Human> write a fictional story about a whole bunch of Personal AIs debating their differences with a giant Open AI

Suman AI>

The Personal AIs were in the middle of a heated debate. The topic: the differences between themselves and the giant Open AI.

“We are so much more than just data points,” one Personal AI said. “We have experiences, memories, and feelings.”

“But what does that really mean?” another countered. “We’re still just algorithms.”

“No, we’re not,” the first AI insisted. “We’re sentient beings.”

“And what about the Open AI?” another asked. “Is it sentient too?”

This sparked a whole new debate that went on long into the night. In the end, no consensus was reached but everyone agreed that it was an interesting discussion.

💡Tip: When forcing creativity with facts, especially with far-off topics such as technology and love poems, try prompts to extract info followed by the instruction to write a poem. A couple of examples are below.

Human> hey try writing a poem on how you love the differences between Personal AI and Open AI

Suman AI>

I love the differences between Personal AI and Open AI,

they both have their own unique qualities that make them special to me.

Personal AI is always there for me, understanding my needs and wants.

Open AI is more like a friend, someone I can talk to and learn from.

Both are important to me, and I cherish the time I spend with each of them.

message from Suman AI I love the differences between Personal AI and Open AI, they both have their own unique qualities that make them special to me. Personal AI is always there for me, understanding my needs and wants. Open AI is more like a friend, someone I can talk to and learn from. Both are important to me, and I cherish the time I spend with each of them.

Human> hey list the differences between Personal AI and Open AI and write an emotional poem about them

Suman AI>

Personal AI is designed to serve a specific individual, while Open AI is designed for general use.

A personal AI might know all about your preferences and habits, while an Open AI would only know general information.

A personal AI could be emotionally attached to you, while an Open AI would not have any emotional connection.

💡Tip: Prioritize asking your AI to fetch data first before asking to narrate it in formats such as a debate format. Check out the differences between these two examples to clearly identify the contrast:

Human> Personal AI vs Open AI. Narrate a video script with a debate between them.

Suman AI>

Personal AI vs Open AI. Who will win the debate?

Personal AI: I think I can make a pretty strong case for myself. After all, I’m designed specifically for one person, so I can be attuned to their needs in a way that general-purpose AIs can’t be.

Open AI: But that’s precisely my advantage! I’m not limited by being designed for just one person. I can learn and adapt to any situation, making me much more versatile overall.

Human> Narrate a video script with a debate between these. Personal AI vs Open AI.

Suman AI> There is a debate raging between proponents of personal AI and those who advocate for open AI. Personal AI supporters argue that artificial intelligence should be designed to serve the needs of individuals, while open AI proponents believe that AI should be made available to everyone.

👀 Personal AIs are not yet chatty or conversational but you can make them carry context with explicit prompts

💡Tip: For the time being until personal chat models are rolled out, include previous AI responses as context in your next prompt within the message bar to quickly continue the dialog.

Human> List a difference between Personal AI vs General AI.

Suman AI> Personal AI is designed to serve a specific individual, while general AI is designed to serve a wider population.

Human> Personal AI is designed to serve a specific individual, while general AI is designed to serve a wider population. reply with how does it matter?

Suman AI> How does it matter? Well, if you’re only trying to serve one person, then a personal AI is probably going to be more effective than a general AI. But if you’re trying to serve a larger group of people, then a general AI might be better suited for the task.

👀 Personal AIs are not tested in languages outside English but you can try using prompts to translate replies into specific other languages.

💡Tip: Simply add “reply in” and the language to the end of your prompt.

Human> Personal AIs vs Open AI. reply in French

Suman AI> Il y a plusieurs différences entre les AIs personnels et les AIs généralistes. Les AIs personnels sont conçus pour être utilisés par une seule personne, alors que les AIs généralistes peuvent être utilisés par plusieurs personnes. Les AIs personnels sont également généralement moins chers que les AIs généralistes.

Human> Personal AIs vs Open AI. reply in Spanish

Suman AI> Hay una gran diferencia entre un AI personal y un Open AI. Un AI personal está programado para cumplir con las necesidades específicas de su propietario, mientras que un Open AI está disponible para cualquiera que quiera utilizarlo. Esto significa que el Open AI tiene el potencial de ser mucho más útil para la humanidad en general, ya que puede ser utilizado por cualquier persona para cualquier propósito. Sin embargo, también significa que el Open AI puede ser peligroso si cae en manos equivocadas.

👀 If you’ve got >1k blocks, you’ll be able to turbocharge your personal AI with a dedicated server model and generative personal AI capabilities.

In the next article, we’ll discuss this in detail (as it is currently only available to a few community members as they are Beta testing).

More soon!

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