The Past, Present, and Future of AI in Healthcare

May 24, 2024

At the beginning of my career, I spent years working on cutting-edge NLP technology that benefited doctors, patients, and hospitals.

I started volunteering at a hospital in Boston in the emergency room. There, I observed patients waiting eight hours with broken limbs in agonizing pain, patients waiting three hours for a signature to be discharged, and overworked nurses and doctors balancing many, many patients.

It was clear to me that technology could have an impact here.

Improving Productivity in Healthcare

For the past decade, I’ve seen AI in healthcare come a long way in improving clinical productivity. AI holds the power to speed up medical record time, clinical trial results synthesis, and medical diagnosis.

At Nuance Communications, by creating clinician-specific models for speech recognition and natural language understanding, we were able to speed up the time to transcribe medical records from doctor dictations by 4–5x. At Linguamatics, we improved the process of clinical discovery by identifying biomarkers using a combination of NLP techniques and medical ontology, improving the time from target identification to clinical trial by 2x.

And now, with the advent of conversational AI that sounds more natural and human, we have a real opportunity to create time for providers.

What if we can not only save time but also create time?

From Saving Time to Creating Time

If doctors have more time to see patients, they can help more people. But given the realities of provider coverage capabilities, this has been impossible until AI. How can we reimagine continuous care using AI agents?

For patients, this may mean expanded access to providers. For example, someone seeing a therapist may not just have one or two hours with their provider each week. They could have 24-hour access to their therapist without their therapist being burdened by these time constraints on care delivery. Patients may also see more cost-effective access for follow-up questions to care or treatment.

Providers can continue to provide quality care without experiencing burnout, a top challenge to the industry right now. Providers who want to provide continued guidance and support to their patients, which is currently impossible due to time constraints and necessary boundaries, can do so. With AI, providers can save time on administrative tasks, like reviewing medical records from fragmented data, that don’t contribute to patient care and instead spend more time in consults seeing patients.

What do digital twins of clinicians and hospitals mean for the future of healthcare?

At Personal AI, we are on a mission to help people create time, capacity, and access in mission-critical industries such as healthcare. Healthcare practitioners and providers come to us with novel ideas to revolutionize the industry with their own personal AIs for hospital operations and improving patient care.

24/7 AI Assisted Care

Our doctors use their personal AI to track and recall detailed information about specific patients and their medical journey by instantaneously recalling critical labs and procedure information in real time. Our therapists are able to provide 24/7 continuous patient care and coaching to their clients. They use their personal AI to carry out private and contextual conversations with their clients, providing continuous support and coaching in real time without lapse in care while still maintaining boundaries and space for themselves. All of these are done under the privacy and control of the clinician and patient.

Efficiency While Maintaining Control

Our enterprise clients work with hundreds of hospital entities on creating PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) processes that streamline clinical operations. With each hospital entity having its own personal AI that contains the foundational knowledge about past processes and implementations, nurses and clinicians can initiate a conversation with Sage AI in real time, which sources its responses from both historical PDCA data specific to each hospital entity and general PDCA-related data from a broad corpus. Within a single conversation window, Sage AI assists users in diagnosing process-related issues and offers suggestions that span problem identification and background analysis, strategy implementation, and the evaluation of results and metrics, all within the context of the hospital and its department.

AI holds the power to make us more human in practicing healthcare.

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