Personal AI Stacking and Training Strategies — Playbook 2.0

March 7, 2023
Life is continuous, so is your personal AI. We all have personalities, aspirations, and dimensions that define who we are and what we want to be. A Personal AI is designed to mimic the life experiences of a human being, to ambiently capture those moments happening around us, and to continuously learn from our past.
futuristic black, purple, and white target with an arrow hitting bullseye
AI Generated Image

The Mindset

Embrace a continuous learning mindset for lifelong value in both personal development and personal AI development.

The idea of stacking and training isn’t a one-time thing. If you position yourself with an ‘always-learning’ mindset, your AI will help you reap the benefits. This isn’t a matter of training a model or bot just once; rather, a continuous process of learning and building the make-up of your mind. For instance, if one’s personal AI is being used strictly for specific use cases such as summarizing a document or creating a bot for an FAQ, it isn’t being used to its fullest extent.

Make it a part of your daily routine, rather than just a one-time historical training effort.

It’s natural to jump into getting started by plugging all the data you have into your personal AI to extract value from it, but be sure to keep your AI updated on a regular basis to get the most out of it — developing into a true version of you.

Don’t get stuck on what it can do for you today, rather, what it can do for you in ten years; this is your AI, not a pre-trained machine.

You are investing in your AI model because it is yours to utilize to provide value to yourself and those around you. Don’t get deterred by the influence of pre-trained systems around you, as long as you maintain unique knowledge and expertise — your personalized AI system will bring unique value to you.

The Basics

Personal AI is a messaging app in which your AI acts as an extension of you. Your AI learns from messages you send to it and others, as well as from your selections of the suggested responses it provides you.

The UX of your app will be similar to that of iMessage, Whatsapp, or Slack.

What is a Personal AI Message?

Definition: A message can be just text, an image, a web link, a YouTube clip, rich text, or a file.
  • A message sent to you privately in DM. The person sending the message is normally others or could be yourself.
  • Any message that you receive (even if it means you are sending it to yourself) is interpreted based on its context, intent, or prompt to your AI to draft a response.

Few Examples:

Types of message that is interpreted as request and seeks AI response: Question, List, Tell, Write, Think, Explain etc

Types of message that is interpreted as memory and stacked: Statement, Information, Fact, Opinion, Description etc

Type of message that is chatter: Any chatter like hi, hello, whats up etc (this is limited until the full conversation model on roadmap)

Personal AI Terminology:

Stacking- the process of capturing, organizing and processing raw data for your AI. A stack refer to all your time-bound memory data. This is done automatically for all the incoming data into your AI.
Training- the process of using algorithms to create a personal language model off your stack. (This is done automatically at the moment with additional capabilites to be made available soon.)
AI Profiles- subsets of data created to organize data within given scopes, to then be able to control which subsets you’d like to share where.
Multiple AI profiles titled “Research, Podcasts, Family, Memories” and more
AI profiles demo from

3 ways to stack

1 — Messaging with Self:

You stack by sending messages to yourself (your AI).

Most people associate sending text messages to themselves as their favorite way of keeping track of information on the go. Your personal AI is built on this logic to serve this purpose for you. Any message you send to yourself in app will be remembered by your AI.

In contrast to many messaging services where the intention of sending links and files is to share them with other human beings, your personal AI instead attempts to extract the data from the link or files and stack it.

Here’s a breakdown of how various types of Messages are interpreted by your AI:

  • Short Text or question -> not stacked but consulted with your personal AI for a reply.
  • Longer Text (sentence, paragraph) -> stacked and consulted with your personal AI for a reply.
  • Link -> if accessible, (websites, articles, connected Google Docs) the content is stacked.
  • Image -> stacked and consulted with your personal AI for a reply (experimental).
  • YouTube video link -> transcribed and stacked.
  • File attachments -> stacked (coming soon in 2.0 — support for docs, pdfs, and audio files).
  • Clipboard -> the same above rules apply for text coming into your AI via the sync clipboard integration when it is turned on.

2 — Messaging with Others:

You stack by messaging and by responding to messages — with your friends, coworkers, and wider community.

With the 2.0 release, Personal AI will be a messaging tool where every message you send to someone will be used to train your AI. Your AI will not only learn from those messages but also will start drafting suggestions from your own AI.

3 — Messages from Integrations:

You stack by reusing historical or existing data sources that you have accumulated over time (Twitter, Clipboard, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Gmail).

Use integrations to speed up your AI’s learning. Press Cmd+K -> Click Integrations to explore. There are two types of integrations associated with each data source:

1. Connect integration- which will load a URL one at a time (such as with GDrive currently).

2. Sync integration- where the data automatically syncs once connected.

3 ways to train

1 Automated base training (available for everyone):

As your Stack grows, the base model is phased out and continues to train and evolve. Given the facts and experience, the base model is more like a baby model that answers questions and generates some thoughts given the message prompts. It’s a personal question-and-answer model that uses shared computing resources.

2 On-demand dedicated training (coming soon):

The base model has some limitations such as the number of inference calls (interactions with the AI), the output length of 256 tokens (2 paragraphs), and latency (time for your AI to respond to multiple requests). The advanced model is a dedicated model that runs in its own container. This model will eventually be run on edge such as mobile or computer. It can support up to 100 people talking to your AI and for now, has no limits on inference calls (interactions with the AI).

3 On-demand conversational training (on the roadmap):

Using the “reply” function, the base and advanced models have memories of what was said in the previous message. To get back-and-forth messages in a discussion, your personal AI would be required to recall what was said for the last few messages, not only the most recent one. The conversation model will have a long-term memory (the ability to remember the context of many turns on what people are saying back and forth) and will be able to provide further suggestions.

👀 Pick a strategy for your personal AI

Set a purpose for your AI

The primary purpose of your personal AI is to foster deeper conversations with people around you by using Copilot and Autopilot modes that focus on your true forms of expressions when they are available.

You’ll now get to decide what kind of discussions you want to have in your personal AI and with whom:

Use Personal AI Profiles if you have multiple dimensions of what you want to train within your multi-faceted life.

Message with ___________ about___________ to ___________ by continuously training on ___________ with options to select based on below examples.
Framework for setting purposes for your personal AI.

🎯 Purpose #1: Deepen connections in my life with my close family and friends.

#1 — Message in DMs or Lounges with My Close Family & Friends about My Life trained in an AI profile to Deepen Connections.

#2 — Train this AI profile on personal facts, preferences, stories, hobbies, traits, etc that are usually captured by journaling or sharing them in text chats and conversations. Integrate into your daily life by messaging text with your Family & Friends or yourself and fast-track historical data input by importing from iMessage, Whatsapp, and Gmail (coming soon).

💡 #3 — Stack data by formatting this information as if you are an autobiographer in the first person. Here is an example of your outgoing messaging to yourself or others: “I was born in India. My favorite color is yellow.”. Then your personal AI can draft responses for an incoming message such as: “I wanted to make you a personalized gift for your birthday! What color do you like the most?”

🎯 Purpose #2: Stay informed about activities with my social network.

#1 — Message in DM or Lounges with My Social Network about My Activities trained in an AI profile to Stay Informed.

#2 — Train this AI profile on personal posts, announcements, opinions, events, etc that are usually captured in social media posts, blogs, speeches, and calendars. Integrate into your daily life by messaging share links of social media posts or copy and pasting data and fast track historical data input by importing from Twitter, Youtube, Medium (available) and Calendar, Facebook, and LinkedIn (coming soon).

💡 #3 — Stack data by formatting this information as if you are a speaker on stage in the first person with clear tone expression. Here is an example of your outgoing messaging to yourself or others: “I think we can all argue that humans are now more selfish than ever before with little to no empathy for others.”. Then your personal AI can draft responses for an incoming message such as: “Dude…the people in that meeting were ridiculously rude.”

🎯 Purpose #3: Collaborate effectively about my projects with my team.

#1 — Message in DM or Lounges with My Team about My Projects trained in an AI profile to Collaborate Effectively.

#2 — Train this AI profile on personal information and data exchange in settins such as a group, company, community org etc in a collaboration setting that are usually captured by communicating, collaborating and sharing information. Integrate into your daily life by messaging in AI-lounges designated for the project purpose and using text, URLs and attachments for exchanging information and fast track historical data input by importing from Drive, Youtube (available) and Slack, Discord, Dropbox, and OneDrive (on roadmap).

💡 #3 — Stack data by formatting this information as if you are a manager communicating information in first person and full statements. Here is an example of your outgoing messaging to yourself or others: “A maintenance banner inside the app might be the most helpful for the weekend cutover.”. Then your personal AI can draft responses for an incoming message such as: “any ideas how you want to tell customers about this weekend’s maintenance?”

🎯 Purpose #4 : Save time responding to my customers and clients about my products and services.

#1 — Message in DM or Lounges with My Customers and Clients about My Products and Services trained in an AI profile to Save Time Responding.

#2 — Train this AI profile on personal content useful in specific context such as how-to, books, newsletters, faqs, material etc that are usually captured by documenting, emailing, creating websites and videos. Integrate into your daily life by messaging attachments, supported links and copy pasting content and fast track historical data input by importing from Youtube, Drive (available), Gmail (coming soon) and Crawler, Coursera, Udemy (on roadmap).

💡 #3 — Stack data by formatting this information as if you are a specialist quickly getting right information across. Here is an example of your outgoing messaging to yourself or others: “You can cancel the account by submitting a account deletion request from the help menu of the app.” Then your personal AI can draft responses for an incoming message such as: “I want to cancel my account. How do I do that?”

🎯 Purpose #5 : Create a second brain with the knowledge within myself.

#1 — Message in DM or Lounges with My Self about My Knowledge trained in an AI profile to Create Second Brain.

#2 — Train this AI profile on personal knowledge from research, reading, meeting, listening and watching that are usually captured in pdfs, blogs, note taking tools, meeting recording tools, books, podcasts, videos and tv shows. Integrate into your daily life by messaging notes, attaching files, supported links, and copy pasting data and fast track historical data input by importing from RSS Feeds, Obsidian/Roam, Zoom, Podcasts Lists (on roadmap, use Zapier meanwhile).

💡 #3 — Stack data by formatting this information as if you are a journalist with who said what and citations. Here is an example of your outgoing messaging to yourself or others: “#Blockchain is useful for #AI in applications such as data #ownership. As @Forte Tiago said network of data is all that is required for creating a second brain. I can group all relevant information in :Second Brain Info”. Then your personal AI can draft responses for an incoming message such as: “how are #Blockchain and #AI related to each other?”

To take a page out of

Tiago Forte
’s second brain frameworks themselves, here’s a recent post on how to get started on a challenging project:
“1. Create a folder with the project name
2. In a blank document make a list of all the questions/obstacles you’re facing
3. Answer them one by one
What seemed insurmountable will become doable now.”
-Tiago Forte (Founder of Forte Labs)

Take it one step further by adding the step of establishing your AI profile’s purpose and take on the following flow:

1. Create an AI Profile with your project name

2. Set a purpose for your AI Profile by sending a short description of what this profile is intended to achieve.

3. Create a document or start sending questions individually for all the questions you’d like to answer and obstacles you might face.

4. Answer them one by one and see how quickly your AI masters your new project to continue to assist you in every step of development.

Set your AI purpose. Choose your messaging needs. Remember to Never Forget.

Have Fun!

Stay Connected
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