Personal AI vs ChatGPT: personal vs. general

August 9, 2023

ChatGPT is an extremely flexible productivity tool. But this might be a problem, not a benefit: it can deliver inaccurate information while displaying complete confidence. It doesn’t have long-term memory storage. It’s always focused on answers, never asking you why you’re exploring a topic or why it’s important to you. And, the more you talk to it, the more you’re filling OpenAI’s servers with your personal data.

If you want general solutions and answers, ChatGPT is the best tool. However, if you prefer a tool that sticks to what you know, that reflects who you are and that helps you connect with others, Personal AI is a better choice. Here’s why.

Your Personal AI represents who you are

ChatGPT is trained on a huge amount of public information. Books, websites, the entire Wikipedia: it has read much more than any bookworm you’ve ever met. When you ask a question, it calculates what’s the most probable answer based on everything it has read. It’s a game of statistics, so it’s highly likely that you’ll get the average answer — and if the average is mostly wrong, it’ll produce an AI hallucination.

To customize the way ChatGPT works, you’d have to know more about fine-tuning, an advanced feature that requires coding knowledge.

This is also a problem if you want to write an email, an essay or an article in your own voice, based on your own opinions. Sure, you can paste an example and tell ChatGPT to write in a particular tone or style. It may come pretty close, but you’ll always have to make a few adjustments so the recipient doesn’t suspect that you didn’t write it yourself. You’re unique, so it makes sense that ChatGPT can’t compute your uniqueness by finding averages in the data.

Personal AI doesn’t work like this. It’s built to learn what makes you you. As you chat with your AI, share files and store information, you’ll build your own personal database — your memory stack. Your model will train on it, learning what you know. Then, when you ask questions to your e-you, you’ll get replies that are based exactly on what you’ve uploaded in the past.

Facts aren’t everything. Tone and style are important too. The more you chat, the more your personal model will pick up on whether you use emoji, sprinkle exclamation marks everywhere and learn how you laugh in a text. These are the details that make your messaging recognizable to the people that know you, even if they couldn’t see your name in the chat window.

How does this work? Unlike ChatGPT, Personal AI uses a Personal Language Model (PLM). It has fewer neurons, meaning that it’s not as flexible as a Large Language Model (LLM) but that’s a good thing: you’re not everyone on the planet, you’re you. Your personal language model shouldn’t represent your dad, your mayor and your next door neighbour all at once.

Because it’s not as big or complex, a PLM takes a lot less time and data to train and doesn’t require a powerful computer to run on, making it much more useful for individuals.

Personal AI remembers more information with higher accuracy

ChatGPT has decent short-term memory, also known as context window. When you start a new conversation, you’ll notice that it remembers instructions and information as you chat. But, as the conversation progresses, it starts forgetting parts of what you’ve talked about. You have to remind it of your objectives from time to time and keep it on track.

ChatGPT’s conversation memory is limited to approximately 2048 English words.

More than that, it wasn’t designed for long-term information storage. Its purpose is to generate new text based on the patterns it found while training. Try asking the same question three or more times: you’ll notice that the answer is different every time — and, sometimes, even the complete opposite if you’re asking about something it doesn’t have a lot of experience on.

Personal AI is different. As you chat with your AI, it detects every sentence that adds information about you and about what you know. Those go straight into your memory stack. They’ll be used to train your model on your writing style and as a source when you ask something about that topic.

The accuracy of each answer is determined by the Personal Score. The higher it is, the more your model knows about the topic.

Then, every time you ask the same question about a topic you have a lot of stacked information on, the answer will always be the same. You can check how much your Personal AI model knows about the topic by checking the Personal Score: the highest it is, the more data it has to give an answer that truly represents you. This can also be used to gauge whether you need to add more information or if you’ve stacked everything.

When you want to keep track of the things you learn, experiences you have and the knowledge that’s important to you, Personal AI is much better. It’ll keep all your information close at hand, ready to surface whenever you ask questions. You can use it to keep an accurate record of your journey through life.

Personal AI helps you connect with others via messaging

The ChatGPT app is growing every month, but it isn’t focusing on expanding its sharing features, nor in integrating with your messaging apps. It’s not designed for human connection: it was built to generate answers for any kind of request with the highest accuracy possible.

Since you can create a faithful digital you with Personal AI, it makes it a great tool to connect with others. You can create AI Lounges (group chats) within our app and invite your friends and family, helping you keep up with the latest news in everyone’s lives. Then, the next time you see each other, everyone knows what’s going on, bringing you closer even if you lead a busy life. Personal AI isn’t here to replace human connection; instead, it’s built to deepen it by helping people who love one another stay on the same page, even if they can’t be together often.

When messaging in AI Lounges, you’ll notice that when others ask questions you’ll have a pre-drafted message suggestion. You can send it with a single swipe or tweak it if you’d like. This is the AI Copilot feature in a nutshell: it saves you the time of writing the message yourself and, better yet, you don’t have to dig into a note or a document if the answer requires more detail. As long as you’ve stacked it before, it’s ready to send. This is especially useful for work, as you’ll be able to pass on important information to your co-workers faster than before.

Once you’re confident that your Personal AI represents who you are, you can activate the AI Autopilot. This will activate automatic replies, so anyone can chat with your Personal AI model as if it were an AI chatbot, making it extremely useful to automate repetitive conversations. After all, you don’t want to tell Fred for the third time what food they should bring to the party. Let your Personal AI take care of that.

Personal AI lets you build Sub AI Personas for work, hobbies or interests

The whole world is a stage and you play multiple roles. You’re a productive worker, a curious student, a supportive mom. You like fishing on the weekends, growing your side hustle after dinner and run friendly games with your badminton gang twice a month. Each of these situations brings out a different attitude.

To reflect your breadth, Personal AI lets you build Sub AI Personas you can use to separate topics, hobbies and work. When you do so, you can start stacking information in a new chat window. Once you’re confident that there’s enough inside, you can start asking questions. This will give you a pretty good idea of what’s still missing — and, better yet, of what’s the next step to know more about that topic.

A view of My Primary AI and Sub AI Personas.

Later on, each Sub Persona can act as a powerful memory assist. Can’t recall how to design a database? Ask your coding Sub AI Persona. What was your lasagna’s secret ingredient? Ask your cooking Sub AI Persona. Which team won the F1 championship last year? You get the drift.

But you’re not the only one that can talk to an infinite-memory version of you. If you choose to, you can share your Sub AI Personas with others, letting them access the knowledge you’ve built over time in any of these topics. Don’t worry: it won’t reveal everything. You can adjust how personal each response should be by setting the Personal Score percentage to where you’d like it to be. Higher means deeper, more personal responses. Lower means more generalistic, surface-level replies.

Your Personal AI’s data is private and always yours

ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI, a big tech company. Like all big tech companies, it relies on data to keep growing and to stay at the top of its industry. Your account information and the content of your chats are processed according to OpenAI’s privacy policy. As we’re writing this, this means:

  • It records your user content: text inputs and file uploads.
  • It records data about your browser and machine, including IP address, types of content you view and engage with, actions you take, time zone, country and computer type.
  • It can transfer that data to vendors, service providers, affiliates and to other parties through business transfers.
  • There’s no time limit for retaining this information.

If OpenAI acts responsibly, this shouldn’t represent a risk. However, all the data that you input into ChatGPT is never fully yours. You can ask to view and delete it, but that’s it. You can’t leverage ownership in any other way.

In contrast, when you’re training your model in Personal AI, all the data belongs to you. Not even our team can access it without your consent. This means that your data will never be shared, sold, used in analytics or as training data for any other model. Your data is yours. Our stance on privacy will never change.

Actions are better than words. That’s why we’re integrating our systems with the Oasis Network, a blockchain technology company that offers data storage services. Don’t worry, it isn’t connected with cryptocurrencies, it only leverages a similar infrastructure known for its high security and accountability features. Here’s what this means:

  • Your data will be encrypted with a unique key that only you have access to.
  • Your data is decentralized, meaning that it won’t be affected if a data center goes down or if our company changes in any way.
  • Your data isn’t stored close to other users’ data, whether at rest or in transit.

You’re not the product. Personal AI is. You can use your data in any way you see fit, rest assured that it’s always yours and that it can’t be seen by anyone else. Read our privacy statement and our full terms of service page.

Personal AI is connected to OpenAI’s GPT-3

You don’t have to turn your back on ChatGPT and replace it entirely with Personal AI. In fact, we integrate with OpenAI’s GPT-3 to improve the conversation features of our models and to fill in the gaps when you turn the Personal Score of your messages to a lower setting.

Whenever anyone asks a question to your Personal AI model, that request goes through your personal model first. There, it runs the calculations to determine what is the best answer according to all the memories that you’ve stacked in the past and the way that you write. Then, the prompt goes to GPT-3 so it can fill in the rest of the response, generating a coherent answer.

To be clear: your personal data is never fed into the GPT-3 model. The request that Personal AI sends over to OpenAI contains the minimum amount of information necessary.

Another moment where Personal AI draws on its GPT-3 integration is when you ask questions about topics. Your request runs through OpenAI and comes back to the Personal AI app so you can keep chatting, researching and stacking new memories.

Personal AI read this article too. That’s how it summarized its main differences when compared to ChatGPT.

As you can see, we love ChatGPT too. It’s amazing for many tasks we tackle daily. But when you want a personal touch, to connect with others and to remember more about what matters to you, Personal AI is the right tool for the job. Start training your own digital you for free.

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