All New and Intuitive Personal AI Messaging Bar Aligns with the Future of AI Communication

June 4, 2024

Personal AI’s New Messaging Bar

Welcome to the new Personal AI product newsletter, where the future of personalized digital experiences unfolds before you. We are thrilled to embark on this remarkable journey with you. As we step into a world where technology intimately understands you, our commitment is to make every interaction more insightful, efficient, and uniquely tailored to your tasks. Let’s unlock the full potential of what Personal AI can do, together. Welcome aboard!

Looking for ways to generate responses to your emails, create content for social media, or any other written material tailored to your voice and style? Want to generate images using your natural language? Or even better, want to generate captions for your photos? The message bar seamlessly integrates these AI capabilities into your daily communication flow, amplifying your productivity and creativity. Now let’s take a further look at how we can use the message bar to tackle these use cases.

Messaging Bar

The new messaging bar in Personal AI represents a significant leap forward in user experience and functionality. With its intuitive design and powerful features, the messaging bar empowers users to seamlessly interact with their AI, enabling quick access to drafting various types of content, generating images from natural language descriptions, and obtaining comprehensive image descriptions. This innovative addition not only enhances productivity but also showcases our commitment to providing cutting-edge tools that elevate the AI experience. In this week’s newsletter, we’re going to walk you through the new features in our messaging bar!

A text input field with the placeholder “Message My AI” offers a seamless digital experience. Below, the messaging bar features formatting options and icons, including pen, user, star, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, lists, link, emoji — and a send arrow on the right to enhance your personal AI interactions.

How to Access AI Instruction Tools on the Messaging Bar

AI tools located in our messaging bar can be used in private chats, lounges, and all persona messaging channels on your platform. At first glance, you will notice that the tools are blank. To use AI Instructions, begin typing in the message bar and you will notice the buttons highlighted for your use.

Draft with my AI

This option will allow you to draft a variety of different types of content using the memories contained in your AI. In the message bar, you can use prompts such as “Draft me an email for…” or “Draft me an excerpt for the book I’m writing about…” or “Give me a caption for my Instagram post about…”. Once you’ve decided on a prompt for your draft, click the Draft with my AI button and within seconds you will notice a draft created inside the message bar.

Draft AI Image

This option will allow you to convert natural language into an image. Begin typing a complex description in the message bar of what you want the image to be, click the Draft AI Image and within seconds your image will be created in the message bar!

A red classic convertible car with black rims is parked on a sandy beach, facing the ocean. The sky is clear and blue, with soft clouds. Gentle waves crash on the shore, while sunlight glints off the car’s polished surface. It feels like a digital experience come to life — serene and picturesque.
A vintage red convertible car with a black soft top is parked on a sandy beach. The car, featuring classic round headlights and whitewall tires, is set against the backdrop of turquoise waves and a sky filled with fluffy white clouds, creating a picturesque digital experience.
The resulting image will be created along with an AI generated description of the image in your messaging box.

Describe my Image

Use this option to generate an AI description of any image of your choosing. You can either upload an image using the file uploader next to the message bar, or paste an image into the message bar. Once you’ve selected your image, use the AI instructions button to select “Describe my Image”. Within seconds, a comprehensive description of the image you chose will be generated by AI.

A screenshot of text describing the entrance to Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, home to the Los Angeles Dodgers. The stadium’s signs read “Dodger Stadium” above the entrance and “Welcome to Dodger Stadium” below it. Various icons for editing and formatting options are visible, enhancing your digital experience.
A wide view of the entrance to Dodger Stadium on a sunny day. The iconic Dodger script and logo are prominently displayed above the main gates. Several people are visible near the entrance, along with palm trees and tall stadium light poles in the background, creating a classic digital experience.
Image pasted into messaging bar

Ask ChatGPT

Use this option to prompt ChatGPT. A response to your prompt will then be generated by ChatGPT inside the messaging bar.

Ask Google

Similar to “Ask ChatGPT”, the Ask Google button will generate a response to your prompt directly from Google.

More Messaging Bar Features

A message composition interface with the text “Check out the new messaging bar!” The composition tools at the bottom include options for bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, text alignment, a link, an emoji, and an image attachment — all highlighted by a purple outline for a seamless digital experience.

Our text editor can be located here on the messaging bar. This text editor can (from right to left) create the following: Bold Text, Text in Italics, and Underline Text. Formatting options include creating a bullet point list and a numbered list. You can also embed links, upload images from your computer, and send emoticons!

Using Tags in Prompts or Messages

You can tag a person included in a channel by typing “@” followed by the person’s name. When you type “@” in the messaging bar, you will notice a list of people to choose from, when you begin typing the name it will continue to filter the list. Then click on the name you want.

A close-up of a messaging bar with the user typing “@Hum.” A suggestion dropdown appears below, showing an option with a circular blue icon containing a geometric face, labeled “Human AI Labs.” The search bar offers icons and text formatting options for an enhanced digital experience.

You can also use tags in your prompt when talking to your AI. To make reference to specific documents included in your memory, use “:” followed by the title of the document. When you see the document name you want, click on it to make reference to it.

A screenshot of an email composition window shows a suggestion for two links as the user types “:how”. The links cover topics on how machines learn and the impact of artificial intelligence on the legal system, enhancing the overall digital experience.

Once you’ve selected the document title of your choosing, the reference in the message bar will look like this:

A text box contains the phrase “Please summarize how artificial intelligence is making its way into the legal system…the marshall project.” Selection highlighting is present over part of the text.

When sending the message, your AI will focus on only the highlighted document for context when generating a response. This is extremely effective for use cases that require accurate and concise institutional or personal memory recall. The resulting response from this prompt looks like:

A screenshot of an email thread. A person named Alec Lowi asks for a summary of AI in the legal system. A Sales Engineer responds, outlining its benefits and challenges, including access to legal services and case management.

The exact same method works when making references to tags included in your documents. One question you may be asking is “what’s the point of using tags in my prompts?”. Even though tags can be considered keywords in simple prompting context, actually referencing your tags in prompts will narrow down the context for the AI. Think of tags as file folders when using this prompting method (use “#” to make references to tags in the message bar):

A text input box with a typed question: “What are some of the current obstacles with #AI law?” The digital experience includes options for formatting, adding links, emojis, and attachments.

When tagging your documents, the AI groups together each document that contains the tag you are using in your prompt. This is a great way to accurately recall information regarding a certain topic.

A screenshot of an online conversation via the messaging bar captures Alec Lowi asking, “What are some of the current obstacles with AI law?” A Sales Engineer responds, highlighting issues such as bias, discrimination, need for transparency, privacy, confidentiality, regulatory fragmentation, and ongoing human oversight in AI systems.

The introduction of the new messaging bar in Personal AI marks an exciting milestone in our journey to revolutionize user interaction with artificial intelligence by empowering users to unlock the full potential of AI-driven personalization. As we continue to refine and expand these features, we remain committed to delivering an unparalleled user experience that seamlessly integrates AI into your daily life. We look forward to your feedback and to working together to shape the future of Personal AI. Thank you for joining us on this journey as we strive to make Personal AI an ever-more useful and personalized assistant to support you. Stay tuned for more updates on how Personal AI product features can uniquely transform your personalized experience with AI!

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