Stack Wisely Using Sync Clipboard to Your Personal AI

February 6, 2023
Over the years, we got inundated with different content formats: Plain Text, Rich Text, HTML, Markdown, Docx, Gdoc, Block text, proprietary editors, and closed social media messengers. Then of course importing and exporting from these tools have their pros and cons. Fortunately, protocols and transparency in relation to the API have been refined, but they take time, testing, perfection, and tend to cost $.
By using our stack transformers, we were able to convert any data format to any other shape — such as unstructured data into a standard format — namely, the Memory Stack, which is another data structure that is slated to become open source. The key is that each unique model can be automated due to this standard stack that everyone uses with their own data.
stacks of purple, black, and white paper on clipboards — AI generated image
“stacks of purple, grey, and white on clipboard”
With that little background, we chose the most efficient way to save data to Stack by using system functions and the well-known “copy to clipboard” technique. Personal AI offers a function that simply saves any data in your clipboard into your memory stack in real-time.
It’s a powerful tool, but it’s also a risky one because if you don’t use it properly, unwanted data will be added to your stack, which may serve the purpose of your AI at times. For example, since everything is time bound, I’m OK with stacking everything I copy because it’s vital enough for me to recall.

Use case: Get known data in faster to train

Step 1: Download and open Personal AI desktop app if you haven’t already

Open the desktop app by using the following link in your profile. Note that the Sync clipboard capability only works on the desktop app.
option to open desktop app showing in settings of your personal AI’s left side panel

Step 2: On your desktop application, turn on the integration by clicking Cmd+K -> Integrations -> Clipboard

clipboard showing under the integrations tab of your navigation bar

You’ll know your clipboard is connected when the copy button on your message bar is purple.

far right copy button colored purple instead of grey to show that the clipboard connection is on

Step 3: Have a plan in mind for the content you want to push.

For this exercise, I will push all the HTML documentation content that we’ve written on personal AI which is hosted on Readme. I can choose to use the URL, but some content is also behind an authentication that we aren’t yet able to push through with the current level of the API integration we have.
Sync clipboard supports: Stacking URLs, content from any application, and maintains the source of the data such as browser, terminal, word document, etc.

Step 4: Time to have fun stacking

How to stack HTML content:
1. Go to the desired HTML page.
2. I use chrome reader mode to remove unwanted columns/ads, etc.
3. Select the content, and hit copy (or Ctrl/Cmd + C).
reader mode enabled at top right of URL link of a page, to show only readable text without ads and additional information
highlighted text from product documentation, before it is copied
same highlighted text as last image, now pasted into memory stack as a block
The content will automatically be saved to your Stack, you won’t have to worry about the formatting.

How to stack Docx Content

1. Open the word document
2. Select text (we suggest not copying more than 20k words or 40 pages at a time).
3. Hit copy, give it a few seconds if copying larger text before moving on to the next one unless you have a high-memory machine.
text on a docx documented highlighted before it is copied
text reponse from the AI saying “This is an interesting development- it will be interesting to see how well GGT-1 performs compared to other language models that are trained on general data.”

How to stack URLs

If you have lots of URLs to upload, say Youtube URLs or Medium URLs, simply start copying the URLs and they will be auto-stacked.
highlighted URL of a youtube video
youtube video from previous URL paste uncurled in personal AI message history with a preview of video.
highlighted Medium blog article URL link
Medium article URL pasted to messages with response from AI saying the article is now saving to your stack

Step 5: Your AI should be ready!

Me> List 2 key differences between Open AI and Personal AI
Suman AI>
1. Open AI models are based on a collective internet of data, while personal AI models are based on individual data sets.
2. Open AI models are designed for general use cases, while personal AI models are designed for specific individuals.
AI now answering question “what is the difference between Open AI and Personal AI” with the above text

Step 6: Remember to turn off sync clipboard when you’re done Stacking (or don’t of course, your wish :))

Click the refresh toggle to change the state to Disconnected.
clipboard connection under integrations showing “disconnected” after purple circle is pressed
Last but not least- have fun!
Twitter: @SumanPersonalAI

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